Behaviour Consultance

Generally, you have a perfect dog – he is very clever, he obeys and is a real “combat cuddler”...but in certain situations he shows problematic behaviour.

When you leave your dog alone at home he barks or howls.

During your absence he destroys the furniture. He shows aggressive behaviour towards your guests and visitors.

He pulls hard when walking on the leash and it is difficult to restrain him. He chases cars and bikes.


All these, and similar problematic behaviour can easily be solved with your support.


The first step is to analyze the problem and find the reason for it.  The second step is to prepare a detailed training schedule. Together we decide which training steps are carried out by the trainer from the Phuket-Dog-Resort and which are done by you at home.


Normally these and similar problems can be solved within weeks.



For further information or in case of questions:

Telephone +66 (0) 835 996 017


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